Saturday, March 28, 2009

When the creative juices flow

How do we usually get our ideas across to colleagues or friends and even more importantly, if we are in the creative industry, how do we convince our clients to buy-in?

I have come to a point and even guilty of thinking that my ideas are the best thing than toasted bread because if it’s so brilliant there can’t possibly be any downsides. It may be true, but in most cases we haven’t looked at the idea from any other position but our own. To some, great ideas come from the bedroom to the bath, while to others during drive time in the car or out walking. I get restless when ideas start ejaculating when I’m about to sleep at night. The creative juice starts to overflow that I always have a pen and note beside me when I sleep. Think about it, a great idea missed is like a million worth's gone. Wouldn’t it be nice to choose when to have your best ideas?

Many tend to believe that they need to hire creative people while some think that if they sit on the bean-bag and remove their shoes, ideas will start flowing. How do we generate new and unique ideas? The reality is that we can learn how to generate ideas by looking at things around us. Just like learning to play a new sports or planning a celebration, creativity is a skill you can learn, develop and improve. Ride on a basic idea that we happen to see and expand that thought. The idea maybe as raw as an egg and when you crystallize it, and polish till it becomes a gem.

Communication and selling the idea across to another is equally important. I learn this simple word, ‘Enrolment’. We need to enroll people to see our point of view before they buy-in to our idea. I often preached to my clients that people do not take action if they can’t see the value.

I've been thinking about the "nature or nurture" debate in regard to myself a lot lately. I feel I have a somewhat unique experience to relate, but the experience has left me sitting on the fence with regards to orgasm. When excitement explodes, then it’s only natural we let it flow and collectively bottle up the ideas and build connotation; implicit or whatever, nurture them. I love to spice up ideas just like sex. We create the lust to last.

Am I the only person on earth that thinks male orgasms are extremely beautiful? I hear my girl friends talk about how stupid guys look when they let loose their juices. I just cannot understand how anybody cannot appreciate it. Watch how the shoulders tense up, the low grunts, and the sweat that seems to be more prevalent near the time of ejaculation. The male orgasm is a beautiful thing.

Just like an idea, it might not be beautiful or handsome in the beginning or isn't the worlds most attractive, but when it shoots, you can tell if it’s a good one or not. Then you know your body stiffens, hands tremble a bit, and then you let go. Here’s to the perfect orgasm of creative juices that’s worth a million. I rewind and watch this one bit of footage at least once a week, more if I feel like pleasuring myself a little more often and get my creative ideas moving. Lo and behold the creative juices began to flow again. The fog is beginning to lift. I am starting to sleep....Yeah! I can take that step back and see flow in strange ways. But in practical, down-to-earth fashionable way, it is a relief to see raw ideas coming to life bringing something from a wellspring of inspiration, rather than just making regular seen-heard-done before ideas.

Some days, which second memory of mine hits me, and it's so strong that I just can't believe it's not orgasm in nature. But that feeling will be balanced out a few days later by the image of people, telling me what I did with my creative flow were in avertedly wrong, dirty, disgusting, and no correlation. It's very easy for me to understand how a mind, if crafty enough, could continue a certain orgasmic behavior, but ensure that the chance of discovery is minimized by selecting views or images and circumstances far from disapproving eye.

Thus, I'm forced to conclude that even with all the evidence I've accrued in my life that creative juices flows with orgasm, it's still too close to call. When the creative juices flow, just do it!

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